Monday, July 13, 2020

Monday Mood: Keep Calm and Wear a Mask

In the spirit of sharing softer news and/or silly vibes:
Boy and his dog enjoy mini convertible car ride.

Daily pandemic update: timeline
  • Lockdown measures were re-imposed in Australia's second biggest city, confining Melbourne residents to their homes unless undertaking essential business for 6 weeks. 
  • Hong Kong will close all schools after the territory reported a spike in locally transmitted COVID-19 infections. First coronavirus case has been confirmed in northern Syria.
  • US officially notified UN secretary-general of the country's withdrawal from the World Health Organization even as it grapples with 3 million cases of coronavirus.
  • WHO reported record daily increase in global coronavirus cases, with the total rising by 228,102 in 24 hours.

13 July 2020
11:36 GMT*
Mon 7/6
Mon 7/13
Mon 7/6
Mon 7/13
Mon 7/6
Mon 7/13

A moment of silence for those we’ve lost to coronavirus, including the first 100 and the first 100,000 in the US.

As of today 8% of closed cases in the US resulted in death; 92% recovered.
Globally 7% of closed cases resulted in death worldwide; 93% recovered.
Currently 1% of all active cases are considered serious or critical.  

*Documenting time of day because real time data updates continuously.
Tracking specific states:  NY is US epicenter. Son Reid lives in CT. I live in NC. 
Worldometers     Coronainusa     Starsexpress2020

In the news: 

NC News

Political Videos

Following Kenny Beck’s lead to share a few signs of hope:
Quibi’s 10-part Home Movie: The Princess Bride raised money for World Central Kitchen.

From Kenny Beck, WXII News:
  • NCDHHS announces 55,318 people are now presumed to have recovered from COVID-19 in North Carolina. That's a little more than 74% of the total cases.
  • To date, there are 74,529 lab confirmed cases and 1,398 deaths. If you take the total number of cases and subtract presumed recoveries, deaths, and hospitalizations (982 today, which is a new record) that leaves you with 16,831 presumed active, non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Put another way, approximately 1 in 623 North Carolinians knows he or she has the virus right now and is battling it outside of a hospital.
  • In terms of daily cases, we have seen at least a thousand new cases for each of the last 13 days. The average over that span is 1,544 new cases (we had 1,546 today). The percentage of positive cases is back down to 9% after peaking at 11% late last week.
  • The daily death toll from COVID-19 has been below 10 every day so far this month. The last time we had at least 10 deaths was on June 30 (14). The last time we had at least 20 deaths was on 6/14 (21) and the record for deaths in a single day was 32 on 5/25.
  • People age 25-49 continue to make up a plurality of the cases (45%) and people age 75+ continue to make up a majority of deaths (59%). 79 of the total deaths (5.6%) are in people under age 50.

In my personal life…

The past 2 weeks were crap overall. My mood vacillated between angry and sad most days, and I felt low energy much of the time. Took a lot of naps and played a lot of solitaire instead of blogging. I skipped zooming with my women friends and chatting with son Reid because I didn’t want to expose them to my negativity. Greg continued to be supportive and good company day after day despite my doldrums. He truly is my best friend and partner. Feeling a bit more hopeful today and looking forward to having a better week ahead. Knock wood. 

Over the weekend I received a call from a dear old friend in Alabama. We were on the phone a little more than 2 hours. Willie tried to convince me Trump is not racist, mainstream media can’t be trusted, and coronavirus isn’t a health risk for most people. We also discussed Black Lives Matter protests. Willie is a conservative Black man who worked in law enforcement and served in the National Guard so our perspectives and life experiences differ significantly. We didn’t argue though by the end of our conversation I sensed he was disappointed I did not agree with his points of view. I felt conflicted; glad Willie called but sad he supports Trump. We both would “save” the other if we could, which we can’t, so we’ll have to just agree to disagree I suppose.

Greg signed up for Philo today. Paying $20 per month for 60 channels is appealing as an alternative to traditional cable tv. Currently we have access to hundreds of channels we don’t watch. Dropping the cable package will reduce our Spectrum internet bill by roughly half. We’re also considering cancelling Netflix because we rarely watch more than 1 or 2 programs a month. I’ll likely sign up for Disney Plus this week only so we can watch Hamilton then cancel afterward. 

Greg ordered groceries online today, delivered by Brad P wearing a mask. I joked he might be Brad Pitt in disguise until the Ring security camera proved he wasn’t. Not even close. 

Over the past week we ate everything bagels with cream cheese, smoked salmon and red onion 2 or 3 mornings. We cooked several meals at home mixed with some take out for variety: Arby’s sandwiches, Pad Thai with shrimp and pineapple fried rice from Amazing Thailand in King, and pizza from Marco’s. Greg made biscuits with country ham for breakfast yesterday and I ate cereal this morning. For lunch I ate cucumber and radish slices with garlic hummus while Greg snacked on pretzels. Tonight Greg tried a new recipe: homemade California style steak burritos – delicious!

My daily actions for racial justice were listening, reading, watching, and a few small donations. I wish the November election could happen tomorrow.

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