Thursday, April 30, 2020

Balance between ReOpen and Stay Home

Below are thoughts allegedly from an unidentified GA physician shared on Facebook:

I am going to try again to throw this out. I’ve typed it about twelve times and then stopped. It’s so touchy.

I am seeing so much anxiety about resuming business, and so much anger about continued regulations. People are feeling the need to catapult to one side or the other, then fight the opposition.

Here’s my perspective, from a mainstream medical model. I think a lot of folks have fallen into the idea that social distancing was meant to stop the viral spread. It wasn’t. It was meant to SLOW it while we put medical infrastructure in place. It has worked. We have, in most parts of Georgia, not been overwhelmed like we likely would have been without protective measures. In the meantime, our testing procedures have gotten better. We’ve increased our ventilator count. We’ve gotten a little better handle on PPE supply chains, and many have helped by making masks and gowns. Phoebe in Albany has a second COVID-19 ICU opened, and Atlanta has a field hospital ready to go. It’s not perfect, but it’s much better than it was seven weeks ago.

A vaccine is a long way off. At some point, people have to be systematically exposed to begin the building of (hopeful) herd immunity. We will likely begin to experience a real increase in cases after reopening. Ideally, that exposure is controlled and calculated, in phases, to allow our medical community to respond adequately, and reduce the number of severe or fatal cases. That’s where we are. 

Whether you feel like Georgia is opening too soon, or not soon enough, we were never going to social distance this thing into nonexistence. You now need to proceed as your health, wallet, and conscience allow.

If you are medically vulnerable, you do not need to be a part of what is about to happen. Stay home if you can. If you’re not, or if your financial vulnerability trumps your health concerns, you need to proceed in ways that continue to protect yourself, and the elderly and medically vulnerable around you.

All of us need to calm down. Quit telling people who are financially struggling that they don’t care about human lives. Quit telling people who are truly at risk of dying from this virus that they are cowering in fear. Remember that until you’ve walked in someone else’s shoes, you should probably be careful in your judgments and subsequent harsh words.

We don’t HAVE to choose an either/or proposition and fight. We could choose other ways to be. Examples include but are not limited to:

“I think this may be too soon, so I will continue to shelter myself, and pray/ make masks/ check on those who can’t.”

“I really need to go back to work, so I will do so, but I will be careful and try to protect myself, my family, and those around me with healthy strategies.”

See how those positions allow each of us to do what we need to, and also respect those who are choosing differently?

One thing that allows us to do this is humility. I can acknowledge that I am not an epidemiologist/ economist/ whatever, that I am making decisions based on my understanding of complex subjects and my own personal health and financial situation, that I am not all knowing, always right, and an expert in all fields, and that each person around me is doing their best too. We can make different choices and still be a supportive community. We can learn and evolve in our understanding of these issues.

 Marvel Thanos balance meme

In the spirit of sharing softer news and/or silly vibes:

Daily pandemic update:  
Gilead Sciences' remdesivir proved effective against the new coronavirus in a major study, shortening the time it takes for patients to recover by four days on average, according to US government and company officials. The news came as the US economy took its hardest hit since the height of the Great Recession, with its GDP contracting 4.8 percent in the first quarter of the year. 

Bosnia registered its biggest daily jump in new infections this month following the gradual easing of lockdowns in its two autonomous regions, the Bosniak-Croat Federation and the Serb Republic. There were 93 new infections and two deaths in the previous 24 hours, compared with 20 new infections a day earlier and 49 the day before that, officials said. 

Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin said children would return to school gradually starting on May 14 for a little more than two weeks before summer break begins as usual in June. timeline

30 Apr 2020
11:03 GMT*

*Documenting time of day because real time data updates continuously.
Tracking specific states:  NY is US epicenter, son Reid lives in CT, and I live in NC.  

A moment of silence for those we’ve lost to coronavirus, including the first 100 in the US.

In the news:  

Following Kenny Beck’s lead to share a few signs of hope:
  • 87 year old NH woman sings high school cheer after recovering from coronavirus. 
  • 101 year old woman born during Spanish flu pandemic survives coronavirus. 
  • Greta Thunberg and NGO Human Act launched a child rights driven coronavirus campaign for UNICEF

In my personal life…
An unnamed source who wishes to remain anonymous has begun sharing tips with me as he finds interesting tidbits in his own news feeds. I told him, while he was sitting in his recliner next to me, that I would not publish his name in connection to any stories he shares with me, because of course I would have to verify with multiple legitimate news sources before posting. Deep Throat Lebowski’s identity is safe. Loose lips sink ships but I’ll never tell.  😉

NOTE:  I tried unsuccessfully to find out the identity of the unknown GA doctor referenced at the top of today's post. Found multiple instances where people had shared the message, several in GA, but not a single time was the doctor named. Also stumbled upon Little Green Footballs, a political blog run by Charles Johnson, who thinks the GA doctor is fake, an example of Mainstream Frame disinformation masquerading as campy common sense. I don't know for sure so I'm going to keep digging. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday morning

Pithy titles are way more interesting than lame ones but today you get Wednesday morning, inspired by a lackluster Macklemore song dripping with auto-tune effects. The past few days have felt a bit like a time warp, just plain weird. NOTE: Greg reads the blog every day but never clicks any of the links so I’m trying to tempt him with a Macklemore song and a clip from Rocky Horror Picture Show (two of his favorite things) to see if he’ll bite. Bait is out, trap has been set. 

Anyway… My preferred blogging schedule is to craft a post over several hours (or days), get it 99% ready before I go to sleep, then wake up early to add daily stats and do a final proofread. If I can post by 8am or 9am then I have the rest of the day to do anything I want… gardening, reading, writing, napping, anything. Monday was like that. The post was up by 9am so I was happy. Greg and I spent the day together running errands, doing chores, napping, watching tv, just hanging out. Then Monday night came and I didn’t have a new post 99% ready for Tuesday morning because I had spent the day enjoying life instead of writing. Totally worth it; no complaints.

Monday night I stayed up late working on the mask themed post. I had started it weeks earlier so it was 70% by that point. Ran out of steam, fell asleep in the wee hours, woke up late and scrambled to finally finish around lunch time. Half the day gone, poof. I had wanted to putter in the garden for an hour or two early in the morning but by noon it was too warm for my comfort so I stayed inside. Greg was in a mopey mood waiting to hear about work stuff so we mostly just watched tv together. We talked some, had productive conversations, ate some Boursin cheese on buttery crackers, watched more tv, talked a little more. It was that kind of day; mellow mixed with a bit of melancholy.

Tuesday night I wasn’t sure what I wanted to focus on for Wednesday so I started rambling a bit; this. Went down a few internet rabbit holes, wasted time during what should have been restful sleep hours. Finally tired enough to fall asleep. Woke up early-ish around 6:30am, bathroom first, walked the dog around the neighborhood, checked the garden, back inside and settled down by 7:30am.

The beauty of retirement living is that I don’t have to do anything specific, no assignments, no deadlines, no meetings, no payroll processing, no performance evaluations, no reports to write, nowhere to go, no commute on I-40, no traffic. My schedule is my own to maximize or waste, whatever. A few people read the blog regularly, some sporadically. Other than Greg, no one has complained when I post late. He hasn’t complained really, just playfully picked at me. It’s all good. No worries. Which brings me to today’s meme…
Pence refused to wear mask during visit to Mayo Clinic

In the spirit of sharing softer news and/or silly vibes:
  • Clint Bowyer talked about NASCAR and homeschooling during interview.
  • Jim Gaffigan spring cleaning during quarantine.
  • Scientists named newly discovered snake after Harry Potter character Salazar Slytherin.
  • Virtual museums: a guide for art lovers.
  • Woman used Ring security camera system to order chickens to return to back yard.

Daily pandemic update:  
French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe presented plans to unwind a nationwide lockdown from May 11 conditional on the number of new cases dropping below 3,000 per day, making urban transport as accessible as possible. Still in Europe, first signs that the transmission of the novel coronavirus has again picked up were visible in German official data, just as the country attempts a cautious easing of its lockdown measures. In the US, number of cases surpassed one million, which is a third of global infections. timeline

29 Apr 2020
12:34 GMT*

*Documenting time of day because real time data updates continuously.
Tracking specific states:  NY is US epicenter, son Reid lives in CT, and I live in NC.  

A moment of silence for those we’ve lost to coronavirus, including the first 100 in the US.

In the news:  
  • 7,000 people die every day in the US on average; additional 2,500 die daily due to COVID-19.  
    In the US, 71% of coronavirus patients recover and 29% of patients die.
  • Advice for people unable to pay May rent; know your eviction protection legal rights.  
  • Antibody testing frequently asked questions and answers.
  • AZ GOP chair encouraged ReOpen protesters to wear scrubs to create false message.
  • Brazil supreme court allows investigation of President Bolsonaro.
  • Conservative CA doctors’ viral video taken down after dubious conclusions debunked.
  • Forbes explained how the rich keep getting richer while many Americans suffer. 
  • JetBlue requires passengers to wear masks; some airlines give masks to passengers. WaPo GIF illustrates how droplets spread on airplanes.
  • Justin Amash announced potential Libertarian bid for president.
  • Nicotine patch study in France contradicts smoking study in China; results inconclusive.
  • NC health officials have begun identifying nursing home outbreak locations.
  • NC women’s prison: 70 inmates tested positive for coronavirus.
  • NY ER doc Lorna Breen contracted coronavirus, returned to work too soon, then committed suicide.
  • OH Gov DeWine, a republican, popularity soared after split from Trump. 
  • #PeopleVsCongress and trended following announcement US House would not meet next week due to health concerns. McConnell vowed to block next coronavirus aid bill in the Senate as leverage for business liability protections.
  • Polio survivors recall memories of quarantine eerily familiar to coronavirus crisis. 
  • ReOpenNC leader announced she had self quarantined after testing positive. Roughly 200 protesters marched during the third ReOpenNC rally, significantly fewer than had marched the week prior. Four of the protesters were arrested after they broke a fence gate outside the Governor’s mansion. Meanwhile health care workers and medical students staged a peaceful counter protest in support of the stay at home movement, prompting #CarolinaHeroes and #HealthWorkersDefendNC to trend.
  • TN restaurants reopen despite jump in cases.
  • TX salon owner tore up citation during Open Texas rally.
  • Trump discussed testing plans during Tuesday presser. He also said any relief for states will require ending "sanctuary city" policies which prompted Quid Pro Quo to trend.
  • VP Pence toured Mayo clinic without wearing a mask despite hospital protocol requiring all visitors and patients to wear masks.

Following Kenny Beck’s lead to share a few signs of hope:
  • Koalas injured during Australia wild fires re-released into wild after recovery.
  • NC elementary school hosts 'Hometown Heroes' caravan.
  • NC nurse went to Queens NY to help during coronavirus crisis.
  • WWII veteran and pandemic fundraising hero topped UK music chart.

In my personal life…

Greg ordered groceries online again. Victoria and a friend delivered bags to our patio; neither wore a mask or gloves. We miss Tamijah from last week. Wish we could specifically request her next time but unfortunately the app doesn’t seem to offer that option. 

We received mail from the IRS. I clenched when I saw it, thinking maybe we were being audited. Opened the envelope to find a letter signed by President Trump. It was addressed to both of us yet the greeting was “My Fellow American:” each word capitalized *cringe* and singular *twitch* instead of plural. At the very bottom was this sentence:

“For more information on your Economic Impact Payment,
please visit or call 800-919-9835.”

We received our payment by direct deposit last week so the letter seemed completely unnecessary to me, a waste of time and resources. Why mail these letters when millions of people are still waiting for paper checks. Getting stimulus money into the hands of working class people should be a much higher priority than this.

Flipped the letter over to find the full message translated into Spanish, which I thought was a nice gesture. Greg disagreed, said he thought it was hypocritical and would anger Trump’s anti-immigrant base. I told him nothing seemed to anger Trump’s cult base so why should this be any different.

Then I thought of NC Gov Cooper who by comparison is doing a remarkable job managing the crisis in our state despite limited resources and no support from the right. It’s so very interesting to me how one person can interpret something one way and someone else see it from a completely different perspective. 

meme of NC Gov Roy Cooper during coronavirus crisis

I wonder if Trump thinks this letter with his Sharpie signature at the bottom is going to help him win votes in November, or perhaps be a keepsake for members of his devoted cult fan base. I for one am not impressed, not one bit.

My presidential keepsakes are a Christmas card received from President Obama’s White House several years ago which features a lovely photo of his family. And a cardboard hand fan with Obama’s campaign logo on it given to Greg by a friend. And some Bernie t-shirts, buttons, stickers and yard signs that I’ll cherish forever.

We also have two canvas presidential prints by Andy Thomas: one of democratic presidents paying pool, the other of republican presidents playing poker (sans 45). We bought them in New Orleans because they reminded us of the dogs playing poker series by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge.

That is all for today.

Hindsight 2020

November 2020 After assisting the Forsyth County Board of Elections with a few post election tasks, I finally took time to rest and rechar...