Saturday, May 9, 2020

Graduation 2020

UConn’s virtual commencement was scheduled today at noon, honoring more than 8,900 graduating students. I may watch the recorded ceremony later but Reid isn’t planning to. He blew off his high school graduation ceremony too. Pomp and circumstance just doesn’t appeal to him. However, he did sign up for the UConn gaming club Minecraft commencement Sunday at 11am.

It took me a few minutes to find Reid’s name on the official list of graduates. His degree is a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. No, he doesn't want to be a sociologist. He plans to pursue a career as a web developer, building on experience gained during his campus job as a web development specialist in the UConn Center for Career Development.    

Reid wearing UConn t-shirt

💗 Lauren and Reid 💗

Lauren's family when she and her brother Matt graduated from University of New Haven last year. 

Graduation related news stories:

Daily pandemic update:  
Seoul, South Korea shut down more than 2,100 nightclubs, hostess bars and discos after dozens of coronavirus infections were linked to club goers who went out last weekend as the country relaxed physical distancing guidelines. Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon said the entry bans on the facilities will be maintained until the city concludes that risks of infection have been meaningfully lowered. Iran's health ministry expressed concern over the number of coronavirus cases reported in the southwestern province of Khuzestan as it confirmed 1,529 new infections nationwide. timeline

9 May 2020
15:06 GMT*

*Documenting time of day because real time data updates continuously.
Tracking specific states: NY is US epicenter. Son Reid lives in CT. I live in NC. 
Worldometers          Coronainusa          Starsexpress2020

A moment of silence for those we’ve lost to coronavirus, including the first 100 in the US.

In the news: 
  • American Samoa territory has zero cases of COVID-19.
  • Armed black citizens escorted MI lawmaker to capitol after volatile rightwing protest.
  • CA Gov Newsom signed executive order to send every registered Californian a mail-in ballot for November election.
  • Hurricane forecasters predict an active season in the Atlantic.
  • Lawyer representing Biden accuser Tara Reade is a Trump donor.  
  • Melinda Gates gave Trump administration D- grade for coronavirus response.
  • Mike Pence joked about delivering empty boxes of PPE during PR event.
  • Native American health center received body bags instead of coronavirus supplies. 
  • NC Freedom to Work Act expected to be vetoed by Gov Cooper. 
  • Obama said US response to pandemic has been absolute chaotic disaster.
  • Polar vortex brings record cold air to the eastern half of the US this weekend. 
  • Trump administration ignored detailed CDC guidance for reopening.
  • Trump campaign manager was mocked for Star Wars Death Star comparison. Trump also said he learned a lot from Nixon during Fox interview.
  • Trump praised Barr for dropping Flynn case. Obama warned rule of law is at risk.
  • US lost 20.5 million jobs in April. Trump responded it was expected, and that not even democrats blame him. Meanwhile the unemployment rate tripled to 14.7% in just 2 months. It took roughly 2 years for the unemployment rate to reach 15% during the Great Depression. #TrumpDepression trended.

Following Kenny Beck’s lead to share a few signs of hope:
  • CA teacher makes face masks for health care workers with idle classroom equipment.
  • Lin-Manuel Miranda will host AP History class online.
  • PE teacher created videos to help students stay active and healthy during quarantine. 
  • St Jude music therapists organize backyard jams for children.
  • Teachers open their hearts after schools close their doors.

In my personal life…

Friday was a gray rainy day in Pfafftown. Greg woke up in a good mood, gleefully made crème brulee (sans Earl Grey tea). Minerva and I were low energy though. She slept while I gradually slipped into sadness. Felt like a cloud was hanging over me, heavy and ominous. Ate half a Scotch egg for breakfast and the other half for lunch. Reid and I Zoomed 2pm-4pm. Even that did not cheer me up. So I took a nap. Woke up sadder still. Greg made Sloppy Joe for dinner; comforting, familiar, satisfying. A little later we had crème brulee with sliced strawberries on top for dessert; creamy, decadent, sweet but not too sweet, perfect. Greg makes the best crème brulee, better than any restaurant.

I know I’m lucky to be married to Greg. He is a true life partner, pulling his own weight with household chores and at times carrying me as well. He has always been supportive, knowing when to give me space and when to nudge me. Before he went to bed he cued up the Notebook on tv for me. I started crying before the opening credits had finished. Sometimes I get emotionally constipated and need a tearjerker movie to help me cry, like a dose of prune juice for my soul. It worked like a charm. Simultaneously I flipped through Reid’s baby book and browsed some archived digital files, revisited photos and recordings of Reid from his childhood. It felt good to listen to early songs he had written, and to watch him play his keyboard, guitar and drums.   

Afterward I watched the Dr. D David Schultz episode of Dark Side of the Ring and worked on the blog a bit before going to sleep. That’s the episode where Eddy Mansfield exposed the truth behind kayfabe, and Dr. D slapped John Stossel.  Good times.

Woke up Saturday feeling better. Today won’t be the graduation experience Reid or I had envisioned, but it is what it is. We’re both happy he completed his bachelor’s degree. 2020 is not an ideal time to look for a job so we’re both a bit apprehensive about what might happen, or not happen, next. Reid’s got a plan though. He’s going to be ok.  

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