Sunday, May 24, 2020

Solemn Sunday

#MemorialDayWeekend2020 and #TrumpDeathToll100K are trending this morning. The New York Times Sunday edition devoted the entire front page to the victims of COVID-19. 

image of New York Times front page honoring coronavirus victims

Both Dr Fauci and Dr. Birx have advised it is safe to go outside for recreation. Dr. Fauci reminded people to wear a mask in public and to stay at least 6 feet away from others in order to stop the spread of the virus. Dr. Birx said during a White House briefing Friday that Americans should “be outside, play golf, play tennis with marked balls, go to the beach - but stay six feet apart!” 

Saturday morning President Trump gave a speech during an early Memorial Day remembrance ceremony. The White House event followed the familiar format of a quasi reelection campaign rally rather than a solemn occasion to honor fallen US service members. Trump used the opportunity to criticize Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi before discussing military spending. Attendees included American veteran motorcycle enthusiasts gathered on the White House lawn participating in Rolling to Remember, an annual event designed to bring awareness to critical issues facing veterans and active service members.  

photo of AMVET bikers cheering for Trump during Memorial Day weekend speech at White House 

Saturday afternoon, for the first time in 75 days, President Trump played golf with friends. They met at Trump National Golf Club in Virginia. The group was observed and photographed from a distance with the knowledge and permission of the White House. The golfers did not maintain safe physical distancing and did not wear masks.

 photo of Trump playing golf with friends yesterday

Surveys indicate less than half of all religiously affiliated Americans who attended services before the COVID-19 outbreak say they are ready to attend religious services now, even if public health officials deemed it safe. 

The decision of when to return to houses of worship appears to fall along party lines. A recent poll by ABC News/Ipsos showed 73% of republicans are likely to resume attending brick and mortar churches soon compared with only 20% of democrats. 

“All of the advice that we've received from members of the CDC, to church leaders, all the way across the board, is saying there is no reason that we should be opening worship services yet, it's just too dangerous. 
It puts vulnerable people at risk. It puts the elderly at risk... It’s irresponsible.”
– Rev. Steven D. Martin, National Council of Churches

“Mr. President, we have known for millennia that houses of worship are essential institutions. 
While we long to gather in person, we believe that there is no higher value than pikuach nefesh, saving a life. 
We are entrusted with the holy responsibility of being God’s partners in that work. 
The Reform Jewish Movement will continue to look to the wisdom of medical professionals 
to guide us on when reopening our synagogues can be done safely in keeping with our values.”
Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism

“Yes, our synagogue is essential. We are open. The building we meet in, however, is closed. Join us
on zoom where we have been and continue to pray, to study, to sing, and to gather safely.”
– Rabbi Rachel Blatt, Conservative Congregation Kol Ami

"American Muslim scholars and community leaders have already determined that mosques 
will not be open in the near future because of the health concerns brought on by the pandemic. 
That's a determination for them to make not for the president to make. 
I don't anticipate any mosques changing plans based on what was said
by the guy who launched the Muslim ban.”

Religion in the news:
  • Arkansas church outbreak was traced back to a pastor and his wife who attended a service before they developed symptoms. 35 of 92 attendees became infected and 3 died. Trace contacts outside of church resulted in 26 more cases and 1 additional death. 
  • CDC released 60 page guidance for reopening businesses and schools after removing faith-based references from the document. It is a watered down version of an original 68 page document. Recommendations are not enforceable by federal law.
  • CDC also published new pandemic guidance specifically for religious worship.
  • DOJ advised CA to reopen churches and accommodate in person religious gatherings. 
  • GA church closed 2 weeks after reopening because families were infected with coronavirus. 
  • Global health expert suggested phased plan for congregations gathering during pandemic.
  • Infectious disease expert and seminary student warned about resuming religious services too soon: “Church is not a building,” he said.  
  • More than 1,000 pastors in MN and CA plan to resume worship by Pentecost Sunday despite state restrictions.
  • Muslims show off their Eid outfits at home under quarantine.  
  • Trump deemed houses of worship essential places offering essential services, urging governors to allow communities of faith to open churches, synagogues, and mosques immediately. Trump threatened to override any governor who refused to comply though he didn’t specify what action he might take.
  • The 10th amendment mandates that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the US Constitution; all remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people.  
  • TX church cancelled mass after priest died of suspected coronavirus infection. 
  • TX mayor was criticized after citing 2 bible verses forbidding women to speak in church.

"Had not planned on giving up quite this much for Lent." 

In the spirit of sharing softer news and/or silly vibes:
  • Priest in Grosse Pointe MI blessed congregants with holy water in a squirt gun.
  • Designer Christophe Gernigon thinks see through shields could help with restaurant dining hygiene. 
  • German cafe tells customers to wear pool noodles to enforce physical distancing. 
  • NC BBQ restaurant utilizes mobile double decker equipment as dining space.
  • Ocean City MD restaurant is ready to unveil bumper tables when outdoor dining resumes. 
  • Toddler helped make and eat a pizza at home with mom. 

Daily pandemic update:  
Muslims around the world are celebrating Eid al-Fitr with millions under strict stay-at-home orders and many fearing renewed coronavirus outbreaks. timeline

24 May 2020
14:36 GMT*

*Documenting time of day because real time data updates continuously.
Tracking specific states:  NY is US epicenter. Son Reid lives in CT. I live in NC. 
Worldometers     Coronainusa     Starsexpress2020
As of today 18% of closed cases in the US resulted in death; 82% recovered.
Globally 13% of closed cases resulted in death worldwide; 87% recovered.
Currently 2% of all active cases are considered serious or critical.

A moment of silence for those we’ve lost to coronavirus, including the first 100 in the US.

In the news: 
  • 14 day self quarantine rules apply to travelers in the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Canada, the UAE, Australia and New Zealand. Several airlines and countries have introduced screening measures such as temperature checks and entry restrictions. 
  • Arkansas high school swim party led to spread of multiple infections.
  • Dr. Birx asked CDC to investigate spread of infections in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington DC. Meanwhile DOJ warned Los Angeles officials that stay-home extension may be unlawful.
  • Following outbreaks in some blue state metropolitan cities, coronavirus is now spiking disproportionately in red counties that voted for Trump in 2016. 
  • Hong Kong protest over proposed national security law was met with tear gas.
  • Japan is preparing to ease restrictions since infections have dropped.
  • Masks have become a political statement in ongoing American culture war. Mask arguments are happening everywhere from retail stores to the highest levels of government, frustrating public health experts. 
  • Missouri hairstylist may have exposed up to 91 people in 8 days.
  • National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) found that H-1B visa holding immigrants help American workers and the US economy through lower unemployment rates and faster earnings growth among college graduates.  
  • OPINION: Amazon, Facebook and Google are too big and have too much power; need to be regulated and broken up.
  • Trump advisor and NY restaurant owner Sean Feeney told laid-off workers there is less than 1 in a million chance that coronavirus put them at risk; still kept his restaurants closed for safety. 
  • Researchers found that half of Twitter accounts advocating to reopen are bots.  
  • Shakespeare's Globe theatre faces permanent closure due during COVID-19 lockdown.
  • TX GOP leader proclaimed coronavirus was “promulgated by the Democrats… so take off your masks, exercise your constitutional rights.” A small crowd of supporters hugged and shook hands afterward.
  • ND Gov Doug Burgum, a republican, made emotional plea to end mask shaming.
  • NY Gov Cuomo, a democrat, is facing scrutiny for his handling of nursing home patients.
  • UK government announced a £283 million investment in public transport networks. 
  • Win or lose in November, Trump’s top campaign aides are paid extremely well.  

Following Kenny Beck’s lead to share a few signs of hope:
  • 11 year old boy released from hospital after being on ventilator for 7 days.
  • ME photographer offers couples FaceTime photo shoots to help them smile again.
  • Teacher surprised her students with gifts inspired by their drawings. 

In my personal life…

Two of Greg’s sisters are religious, as are dozens of our family and friends. I worry about them returning to worship in churches. I fear some of them won’t wear masks or practice safe physical distancing. Some are left leaning liberals, some are right leaning conservatives, and some are politically indifferent. I’m worried about all of them, each and every one.  

For the record, I don't begrudge Trump playing golf during weekends. The optics and press coverage are unfortunate but leaders deserve opportunities for recreation to relax and unwind the same as everyone else.
As I wrote a few days ago, I would personally caddy for Trump if it would keep him off Twitter and the tv for a few hours. 
Just wish he and his friends would wear masks and stand further apart. Even if they don't personally believe the virus is dangerous, their refusal influences millions of people. 

Saturday Greg ran a few more errands, visited with his friend Ken at their shared storage garage, and chatted with his friend Jim Salmon (aka Fish). He wanted to purchase some replacement hardware for his hammock stand but stores were too crowded so he picked up some takeout from China Dragon on Robinhood Road and came home. He ate a beef and broccoli combo with wonton soup. I had garlic chicken. Both were delicious and satisfying. The entrees were so large that there are enough leftovers for a second meal today or tomorrow. 

Friday Greg stopped by Riverside Farm & Garden Supply to purchase a new watering can for me. It’s very nice, made of galvanized tin, way nicer and more expensive than I would have bought myself. The old cheap plastic watering can I’ve had for years sprung a leak a few weeks ago. I considered repairing it with Flex Seal but decided to replace it rather than purchase repair supplies. With all the rain we’re getting it will be a while before I need to use a watering can, yet I appreciate having a new one very much.

I’ve ordered a few small things for Greg online, partly to give him Father’s Day gifts from Minerva next month, and partly just to cheer him up a bit. Yesterday a small parcel arrived with a return address from comedian Lewis Black. Greg grinned as he carried the package inside, and laughed out loud when he opened the box and saw the bobble head toy inside.  

Lewis Black bobble head   

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